Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Barack & Michelle & Sam & Lindsay

Why is it that any sort of "famous couples" hi-jinx remind me of the classic 1999 film Never Been Kissed? Moving on: The artist Jonathan Horowitz has designed a collection of pillowcases that play tribute to duos (of varying degrees of fame and/or longevity) through some collaboration among P.S. 1, Art Production Fund, and Calvin Klein. The most timely—and least surprising—set is on display in the windows of CK's Madison Ave. store:

From WWD, which ran a little blurb on the project.

And others, such as these doodads, are available for purchase from the Art Production Fund site.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats hilarious. i wish i was witty to think of an awkward, off-color couple situation..

Like, on one side, put "Jude", and then on the other pillow, try to fit as many names of women as you can provided the surface area of the pillow.