Friday, May 8, 2009

Name That Baby

Oh, god help us. I'm sure this comes as a huge SHOCKER, but people name their offspring after celebrities. In this culture?!? But! According to an article by baby-naming expert (yah, who knows) Pamela Redmond Satran for The Daily Beast, they don't stick to, um, classy ones: Three of the fastest-growing names for girls are Khloe (Kardashian), Miley (Cyrus), and Audrina (Partridge).

I mean, what about Whitney? At least she got the spin-off.

The top 10s are here (and are pretty predictable)—Madison, anyone?

1 comment:

diana said...

naming your baby after a celebrity is SO over. naming your baby after a celebrity's baby on the other hand...that's just classy.