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Because I Don't Always Want To Know The Ending
I loooove watching TV on DVD, but I hate the fact that you have to commit to, like, a gazillion episodes if the show was on network telly or a 95 hour-long, fast forward-free ones if the program was on HBO. Right now, I'm stoked on checking out The West Wingof which I've never seen a single momentbut seven seasons? I do have a JOB (for now), you know. Thankfully, today Y advised me that, really, only the first three are worth watching. Approximately 80 hours of my life are thus saved. (Is using those hours to troll online shopping websites for really good sales better?? Prolly not so much.)Can someoneanyone? Bueller?make a website that compiles this information for me? Because the weight of my Netflix queue is too much to withstand, and I feel like I'm already such a terrible cultural consumer considering I didn't watch any teevee live from season 2 of Dawson's Creek to season 5 of SATC.Anyway, I will offer my suggestions (in hopes that you'll gimme yours in return, duh). Sharing is caring, you guys.The Wire: Seasons 1-4. You've heard it a milllllion times. The show is DA BOMB. So just watch, otay? BUT, the fourth should have been the last. I don't like when Michael Lee becomes a bad boy. It keeps me up at night.
Weeds: Season 1-2. When Nancy becomes an f-ing full-on drug lord? Count me out
Wonderfalls: All 13 episodes. Yup, it's a brilliant-but-canceled.
I'm Alan Partrige: Season 1. That's enough of Steve Coogan to give you quotes for daaaaays.
Arrested Development: Seasons 2-3. Yes, I know, funniest show, like, EVA, but it doesn't really get going until the 2nd year. The first few episodes can be a tough sell to someone who hasn't seen.And now! A break for a gratuitous photo of Tristan Wilds (who played Michael Lee and is now on, barf, 90210). He has the best smile in the galaxy. But I can't find a pic where he shows it. HBO! Help!
Next up are The West Wing, Veronica Mars, My So-Called Life (because, let's be honest, I hardly remember), and Battlestar Galactica. And clearly I need advice.
loved wonderfalls! have you seen any of dead like me? just 2 season, kind of fantastic.
i wish you had made the arrested development point about a year ago. because when it came out on hulu i made robert watch it (starting with season 1) and he totally didn't buy it even though it's really the sort of thing he would love. i consider this a minor tragedy.
also, the guy whose place we're staying in left all his DVD's, including alan partridge, so i will be giving it a spin now that you've recommended it. and also now that our tv is making this really loud beeping noise when we do anything other than watch dvds.
d- I've heard SUCH GOOD THINGS about Dead Like Me. ok, on that too.
c- YES, watch alan partridge. and i still have to watch twin peaks too. one of my writers is watching now and is obsessed (possibly as obsessed as you were?).
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