Wednesday, October 1, 2008

4.5" Wedge with 1" Platform

Let's be honest: There's a very fine line between a fashiony and, um, lady of the night-y—remember the Carrie Bradshaw exposed green bra look?—and that line gets even finer when it comes to shoes.

Take, for example, these. Want, need, etc., etc. And were they Chloe, Lanvin, any name that brought with it a $700 pricetag, they would fall into the chic category, no ands, ifs, or buts. But, hi, they're Payless, as in Payless ShoeSource, $48.00. (I'm so wishing that price ended with .99. That would be more of a zinger.) Granted, they're from the everybody's-doing-it! guest designer realm, by way of Alice + Olivia.

Clearly, they will be in my possession within days. And I'll probably pay extra to get 'em shipped faster 'cause heaven forbid I save toooo much $$.

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