Monday, October 27, 2008

A Makeover Story!

Pres. Barbie from AM NY. Not wearing Valentino. DUUUUUH.
From Maureen Dowd on the "sexism" of talking about Sarah Palin's wardrobe:
"It doesn’t wash to cry sexism now any more than it did at the beginning, when the campaign tried to use that dodge to divert attention from Palin’s lacunae in the sort of knowledge you need to run the world. The press has written plenty about the vanities and extravagances of male candidates. (See: Haircuts, John Edwards and Bill Clinton.) Sexism would be to treat Palin differently, or more delicately, than one of the guys."
Now, I was never a huge M.D. fan, but she's done good by this election. Some of her best business of late:

"Sarah's Pompom Palaver": On speakin' homespun

"Vice in Go-Go Boots": On why the Palin nomination should have been on Lifetime

"Keeping It Rielle": On John Edwards' narcissism

"Mr. Darcy Comes Courting": On why Barack Obama is a modern Mr. Darcy (if you haven't read Pride and Prejudice—or seen a Bridget Jones movie—don't bother)

"All About Eve": On Hillary's leetle RFK gaffe

1 comment:

Charles Sutcliffe and Katie Field said...

Hey Erica, I agree about Maureen Dowd. I never found her very interesting or insightful, but this election has really gotten her to up her game.