Friday, October 10, 2008

That Media! And Those Accents!

The British media is so genius. T—who consumes BBC, et al. like bananas thanks to his dad—has been keeping me abreast of the election coverage on the other side of the pond (gag...I hate that expression). And, it's just so good. There's no pandering or pretending we should be impressed that Cindy McCain can talk to a crowd. (Botox affects foreheads, not jaws, duh.)

This op-ed by Matthew Norman that ran in The Indenpendent today is soooo all-around f-ing good, but here's my fave bit (about Tuesday's debate):
"It was visually that this debate really mattered and, while it is too soon to divine public reaction from the polls, one suspects it went a fair way to securing Obama the White House in the absence of monstrous scandal: Barack and Britney caught in flagrante delicto at an Osama bin Laden fundraiser perhaps; Michelle giving OJ Simpson the Black Power salute on visiting day at the penitentiary; Russia unilaterally reviving the Warsaw Pact; or the detonation of a radioactive device on Pennsylvania Avenue."
Speaking of Michelle, did you see her on The Daily Show this week? I can't get enough.

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